My One Word

I was given a challenge this year. Can you pick one word to describe your theme for the upcoming year? Not a phrase, not a statement, just one word. At first I felt unsure. I mean, I'm used to setting goals in different areas like a complex flow chart! Actually, I still think that goals are really great, but this got me thinking. What banner do I want over my life this year? How do I want to think and feel about 2012? Many things came to mind, the first being the word "Thanksgiving", but I think that was my word for last year. I really understood the importance of receiving gifts with a grateful heart and noticing all the ways that God interacted in my life. Giving thanks was really powerful for me last year. So, what for this year? After meditating on it for several days I have decided that my one word is going to be "beauty". I want to meditate on beauty in many arenas of life: God's beauty, the beauty of creation, the beauty seen in people, the beauty of dreams, the beauty of friendship, the beauty of marriage, the beauty found in parenthood. I want my eyes to behold beauty wherever I am - to see it and to rest in it. I want to see beauty in myself and be glad. I want to encourage others in their beauty. So that is my word. Beauty. What is your word?


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