Reflections for Advent
She breathed it in, his fragrance, as he laid cradled in her arms.
She inhaled the innocence, the purity, the loveliness of all that he was.
He clutched her neck, craning his head back to look deep into her eyes.
She felt like she was looking into pools of eternity in the deepness of his gaze.
Captured, her heart totally his, she melted in the light of his vulnerable need.
Ironic that she should be the one cradled, as she cradled him; loved, as she loved him; given to, as she gave.
This infant, grown in the velvet darkness of her womb, had been one with her.
He felt hunger as she did. He thirsted for the milk dripping from her breast.
He leaned into her closeness. She leaned into his.
A beautiful exchange of love.
Eternity held in the arms of a mother.
When I drew this picture I didn't imagine that it would evoke such deep feelings in me. A mother and child have a bond that is so intense.