The Lullaby of a Father's Love
The resonance of their father's voice fills the room, gentle, soothing, the words like salve on tired souls. He reads the words as one who has walked with the author of the story. We hear the intimacy, the knowing, and our hearts yearn to have this Author weave his story into our lives too. One boy is curled in the nook of daddy's arm, the other cuddled on the couch with me, breathing into the back of his daddy's neck. We huddle close together feeling the warmth of love.
Candlelight makes the skin golden, the eyes can't capture the flaws but we see the glow - the glow of how we look, the glow of who we are. All blemishes become smudged into the glory of this moment. This is His moment.
My love's voice makes music with the retelling of Genesis 6. A story from long, long ago. A story about a Father whose heart never changes towards his people. He is always faithful, always true.
Hearts are quiet, stilled by the lullaby of a Father's love.
"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17